mec2 Getting Started

mec2 is a physics engine, which purpose is to simulate the movement of two dimensional mechanical linkages. It has a new concept of treating elements as particles whose movements follow constraints.

mec2 has no dependencies for the simulation and implements all necessary infrastructure on its own. For rendering the model the graphics library g2 is used. To read more about g2 have a look here. Models are described using the human and machine readable JSON format.

A mec2 model can consist of up to 9 different modules.

Some of them are absolutely necessary and to omit them most likely results in an inapt model:

Other modules provide extra functionality and may be included as needed:

They are included by the casual <script src="..."></script> syntax and can be included or omitted as needed. Alternatively the embedded mec-2 HTML custom element can be used.

To render models the graphics library g2 is used, which is not only recommended, but also integrated into mec2 in various ways. Therefore it is advised to import it as well.

Example #


This mechanism can be generated using two types of syntax.

The necessary functions to simulate and render the mechanism can be issued manually, or a predefined custom <mec-2> HTML element can be used.

<head> <meta charset='utf-8'> </head> <canvas id="cv" width="550" height="300"></canvas> <script src="../g2/src/g2.js"></script> <script src="../mec2/mec2.js"></script> <script> const ctx = document.getElementById("cv").getContext("2d"); const model = { "nodes": [ { "id": "A0", "x": 75, "y": 50, "base": true }, { "id": "A", "x": 75, "y": 100 }, { "id": "B", "x": 275, "y": 170 }, { "id": "B0", "x": 275, "y": 50, "base": true }, { "id": "C", "x": 125, "y": 175 } ], "constraints": [ { "id": "a", "p1": "A0", "p2": "A", "len": { "type":"const" }, "ori": { "type": "drive", "Dt": 2, "Dw": 6.28 } }, { "id": "b", "p1": "A", "p2": "B", "len": { "type":"const" } }, { "id": "c", "p1": "B0", "p2": "B", "len": { "type":"const" } }, { "id": "d", "p1": "B", "p2": "C", "len": { "type":"const" }, "ori": { "ref": "b", "type": "const" } } ], "views": [ { "show": "pos", "of": "C", "as": "trace", "Dt":2.1, "mode":"preview", "fill":"orange" }, { "show": "vel", "of": "C", "as": "vector" }, { "as": "chart", "x": 340, "y": 75, "Dt": 1.9, "show": "wt", "of": "b" } ] }; mec.model.extend(model); model.init(); const g = g2().del().clr().view({ cartesian: true }); model.draw(g); (function render() { model.tick(1/60); g.exe(ctx); requestAnimationFrame(render) })(); </script>

The same model (but embedded into a custom <mec-2> HTML element) is issued by:

<mec-2 width="501" height="301" grid cartesian> { "nodes": [ { "id": "A0", "x": 75, "y": 50, "base": true }, { "id": "A", "x": 75, "y": 100 }, { "id": "B", "x": 275, "y": 170 }, { "id": "B0", "x": 275, "y": 50, "base": true }, { "id": "C", "x": 125, "y": 175 } ], "constraints": [ { "id": "a", "p1": "A0", "p2": "A", "len": { "type":"const" }, "ori": { "type": "drive", "Dt": 2, "Dw": 6.28 } }, { "id": "b", "p1": "A", "p2": "B", "len": { "type":"const" } }, { "id": "c", "p1": "B0", "p2": "B", "len": { "type":"const" } }, { "id": "d", "p1": "B", "p2": "C", "len": { "type":"const" }, "ori": { "ref": "b", "type": "const" } } ], "views": [ { "show": "pos", "of": "C", "as": "trace", "Dt":2.1, "mode":"preview", "fill":"orange" }, { "show": "vel", "of": "C", "as": "vector" }, { "as": "chart", "x": 340, "y": 75, "Dt": 1.9, "show": "wt", "of": "b" } ] } </mec-2> <script src="../g2/src/g2.js"></script> <script src="../mec2/bin/g2.selector.js"></script> <script src="../mec2/bin/canvasInteractor.js"></script> <script src="../mec2/mec2.js"></script> <script src="../mec2/bin/mec.htmlelement.js"></script>

Please note that for the current usage of the custom HTML Element additional files have to be imported.

The custom HTML element provides interactive features to the model.

Let's go through the process of creating this mechanism step by step.

At first g2 and mec2 are imported:

<script src="../../g2/src/g2.js"></script> <script src="../../mec2/mec2.min.js"></script>

Both consist of different modules, which can be further inspected by looking at the respective wikis. Please note that mec2.min is a combination of all (currently) existing mec2 modules. If there is no need for minimalism, this is a valid shortcut to include everything mec2 has to offer.

At this point we already can begin with the definition of our model:

The model can be composed of different properties based on the respective modules. In this very case of nodes, constraints and views.

Nodes #

nodes can be seen as particles. They do not have any boundaries on their own, but properties which determine their state. As you can see they are described solely by their coordinates. The id is, hence the name, an identifier for later processing.

"nodes": [ { "id": "A0", "x": 75, "y": 100, "base": true }, { "id": "A", "x": 75, "y": 150 }, { "id": "B", "x": 275, "y": 220 }, { "id": "B0", "x": 275, "y": 100, "base": true }, { "id": "C", "x": 125, "y": 225 } ],

The base flag is used to determine if the node is fixed (treating the particle as if it has infinite mass).`

Constraints #

contraints are used to define correlation between different nodes. Although nodes are not bound on their own, contraints change that by constraining them to set conditions.

"constraints": [ { "id": "a", "p1": "A0", "p2": "A", "len": { "type": "const" }, "ori": { "type": "drive", "Dt": 2, "Dw": 2*Math.PI } }, { "id": "b", "p1": "A", "p2": "B", "len": { "type": "const" } }, { "id": "c", "p1": "B0", "p2": "B", "len": { "type": "const" } }, { "id": "d", "p1": "B", "p2": "C", "len": { "type": "const" }, "ori": { "ref": "b", "type": "const" } } ],

constraints are defined by using the ids of two nodes, using them as property p1 and p2 respectively.

constraints can change the relation of either the distance of two particles, or the orientation. By settings "len": { "type": "const" } the distance between two nodes is fixed and only the orientation of them can be changed (resulting in one of the two particles orbiting around the other). Respectively by setting "ori": {"type": "const"} the orientation is fixed and only a translational shifting is possible. By setting both types to const the two particles are "fixed".

By setting the type to drive one can determine the behavior of two nodes to one another over time, thus simulating a driven motion. For this the module has to be imported (incidentally done by mec2.min.js).

Likewise nodes, constraints have ids to identify them later on for further processing.

By setting nodes and constraints a fully working mechanism is defined and can already be analyzed.

Views #

To support the user with some analysis options views can be used, brought by the mec.views module.

"views": [ { "show": "pos", "of": "C", "as": "trace", "Dt":2.1, "mode":"preview", "fill":"orange" }, { "show": "vel", "of": "C", "as": "vector" }, { "as": "chart", "x": 350, "y": 150, "Dt": 1.9, "t0": 0.1, "xaxis": {"show": "w", "of": "a"}, "yaxis": [ {"show": "wt", "of": "d"}, {"show": "wt", "of": "c"} ], }]

views offers different options to choose from to make features visible. These different options share a lot of properties, which are:

To further read about the different views and possible properties to choose from please should have a look to the respective wiki.

Model rendering #

Please note that the following steps are automatically executed if the model is implemented using the <mec-2> element.

At first the functionality offered by the mec object has to be applied to our model object, thus extending it with all the functionality it needs. This is done by issuing: mec.model.extend(model);

After doing that, we have to initialize all the properties of the model which were defined earlier on: model.init() is doing that for the whole model.

The rest of the code is responsible for the rendering of the model:

const g = g2().del().clr().view({ cartesian: true }); model.draw(g); (function render() { model.tick(1/60); g.exe(ctx); requestAnimationFrame(render) })();

model.draw(g) applies the model to a g2 command queue which is then rendered onto the canvas in the defined context at the top of the code.

Inside the render queue the model.timer is advanced one sixtieth of a second each iteration by calling model.tick(1/60). Assuming a 60hz Monitor is used (or at least requestAnimationFrame operates in 60hz) this results in a convenient mapping to real time.

If you want to know more about g2 feel free to check out g2's documentation.