mec2 Custom HTML Element

mec2 comes with a custom HTML element which allows to implement models directly into the page without the necessity of running extra boilerplate code.

The aim of this HTML element is to minimize the implementation overhead of the user, while maintaining all features mec2 has.

<mec-2 width="351" height="221" x0="60" y0="60" cartesian darkmode nodelabels nodeinfo="pos" constraintinfo> { "nodes":[ {"id":"A0","base":true,"idloc":"sw"}, {"id":"B0","x":100,"base":true,"idloc":"se"}, {"id":"A","y":50,"idloc":"nw"}, {"id":"B","x":120,"y":100,"idloc":"ne"} ], "constraints":[{ "id":"a","p1":"A0","p2":"A","len":{"type":"const"}, "ori":{"type":"drive","func":"linear","Dt":5}, "lw":16, "ls":"#ff770066" }, { "id":"b","p1":"A","p2":"B","len":{"type":"const"}, "lw":16, "ls":"#ff770066" }, { "id":"c","p1":"B0","p2":"B","len":{"type":"const"}, "lw":16, "ls":"#ff770066" } ] } </mec-2> <script src=""></script>
{ "nodes":[ {"id":"A0","base":true,"idloc":"sw"}, {"id":"B0","x":100,"base":true,"idloc":"se"}, {"id":"A","y":50,"idloc":"nw"}, {"id":"B","x":120,"y":100,"idloc":"ne"} ], "constraints":[ {"id":"a","p1":"A0","p2":"A","len":{"type":"const"},"ori":{"type":"drive","func":"linear","Dt":5},"lw":16, "ls":"#ff770066"}, {"id":"b","p1":"A","p2":"B","len":{"type":"const"},"lw":16, "ls":"#ff770066"}, {"id":"c","p1":"B0","p2":"B","len":{"type":"const"},"lw":16, "ls":"#ff770066"} ] }

The overall styling is handled by respective properties of the mec-2 element:

The syntax of the innerHTML is as straight forward as mec2 is: The model embedded into the innerHTML of the element is the same as they are defined in the default way, but as JSON.

Note: Don't forget to use quotations (e.g. "x") for the properties, since the g2-element interprets the innerHTML using the JSON format.

You can issue asJSON on any model designed in the "normal" way to get the JSON description of said model.

The navigation bar #


The interface of the mec2-element aims to be simple and intuitive. The top bar includes: