μJam – Documentation

Usage #

Prerequisites #

It is assumed, that you

Activation #

μJam is an extension to VSCode and VSCode will activate it under certain conditions. As μJam deals primarily – or more precise exclusively – with markdown files, it will get activated, when you either

md = make directory
Fig. 1: μJam activation message.

You will see an activation message in the lower right corner of VSCode window. You do not necessarily have your repository folder opened in VSCode. μJam will work with single file mode also.

But ... having μJam activated properly does not mean, it works with every markdown file. It accepts files


Editing Markdown Files #

μJam can do exactly two things for you:

Single Markdown Files #

Whenever you are working at a markdown file and save it via

its corresponding html file will be generated automatically by μJam, which will also update the pages.json file and possibly some index files, if you happened to have modified a "layout":"article" document.

Fig. 2: μJam Html saved message.

That File > Save command only saves its markdown file, if it has been modified since its last storage command. Only in this case the corresponding html file is updated.

In order to assist you to force an update of a single file, μJam provides us with the command Ctrl + K  H (think Html). This is also available via different menus (see below).

All Markdown Files #

There might come up the necessity to rebuild all html files. One scenario is, we just had modified our templates in template.js.

To achieve this, we can use the μJam command Ctrl + K  A (think All).

Fig. 3: μJam command - force rebuild all Html files

Please note, only the last three rebuilt files are are visible after completion as μJam messages then.

Fig. 4: μJam commands - accessible through different menus

Both μJam commands are accessible through

  1. Editor context menu (right click) (a)
  2. Editor title menu (b)
  3. VSCode global command palette (c)
  4. Explorer context menu (d)

Menus in VSCode are defined statically with extensions like μJam. So above menus are always shown while editing any markdown document. But with markdown documents not belonging to a valid repository invoking these menu commands will silently have no effect.

Manually Remove Files #

You won't want to remove auto-generated files usually, as they are regularly updated by μJam. But if you explicitely want to do that, it you can use the explorer view (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5: Explorer view - manually remove these files only

Sort order of files by type makes sense in explorer view, but it's not VSCode's default order. So μJam adds an entry "explorer.sortOrder":"type" to user settings file .vscode/settings.json. You can add more individual settings to that file.

Frontmatter Snippet #

When starting a new markdown file, μJam assists you by inserting a partial filled frontmatter template at current editor location.

Fig. 6: Auto-create frontmatter snippet sceleton

Simply type Ctrl+k - for getting this.

Table Of Content Snippet #

When finishing a markdown document containing several headings possibly in multiple levels, we would welcome an automatic generation of a table of contents (toc). This is inserted at current editor location by μJam at our fingertips.

Fig. 7: Auto-create table of content

Simply type Ctrl+k t (think  toc) for getting this.

The table of content inserted is static and not configurable, i.e. minimalistic:

  • If you do not want to have a heading in the toc (maybe 'Contents'), simple delete it from the generated list in the markdown document.
  • Generating certain toc levels only is not supported. Simply remove the unwanted entries manually then.
  • If you edit the text of a heading, the toc won't update automatically. Recreate the toc then manually.
  • Headings in markdown code sections are incorrectly inserted also. You need to remove them manually.

Sometimes we do not want to have an internal table of content, but an external navigation list. With that we might compose a navigation sidebar. In this case we want to have explicite local html url's, as in ...

- [Installation](installationGuide.html#installation) - [A New Project](installationGuide.html#a-new-project) - [Generating Content](installationGuide.html#generating-content) - [Publish to the World](installationGuide.html#publish-to-the-world)

For getting this we type Ctrl+k n (think  nav).

This feature is shamelessly copied from GitHub. In the browser ... whenever you are hovering with your pointer device a heading, a small symbol appears. Hovering then over that symbol, the document-local uri of the heading in question can be copied (right click) and is shown in the status bar at the same time.

Fig. 8: Explorer view - manually remove these files only

With this feature enabled, your visitors can copy and paste that location and thus link into your pages with the help of these permalinks.

In order to activate this feature, you need to add

--- "permalink": "#" ---

to your page's frontmatter section. You are allowed to take a character symbol of your choice. "permalink": true is also possible, with '#' as the default symbol.

markdown-it Plugins #

VSCode uses markdown-it as its markdown parser internally and so does μJam. There are a lot of markdown-it plugins available. μJam potentially supports only two of them at current:

Since they are both inactive initially, we can activate them – if we want – by appending the following to .vscode/settings.json ...

"microjam.markdownItPlugins": { "markdown-it-texmath": { "engine": "katex", "delimiters": "dollars", "macros": {"\\RR": "\\mathbb{R}"} }, "markdown-it-footnote": {} }

Extending μJam, in using other markdown-it plugins is possible, but out of the scope of this user manual.

Publishing to GitHub #

We are assuming here, that you have a valid local git and remote GitHub repository already. Read installation guide otherwise.

Fig. 16: Workflow: Adding 'readme.md' and modifying 'one.md'.

For publishing your generated or modified files to GitHub, you might want to use the Source control view.

The Usual Workflow #

I would like to show you how working at your website looks like, once you installed all and already wrote your markdown files.

  1. You will again open your project directory first, which already has the following structure
/first |_ package.json |_ /docs |_ /theme |_ index.html |_ one.html |_ two.html |_ pages.json |_ index.md |_ one.md |_ two.md
  1. Add a readme.md file (content below) and save it (Ctrl + Shift + S) to your project root folder. Its content might be somewhat like
# A minimal sample repository for μJam
  1. Modify the content of one.md and save (Ctrl + S).
  2. Type in a commit message 'Add readme' (Ctrl + Enter).
  3. In a possibly upcoming vscode message window Would you like to automatically ... select Always .
  4. In the VSCode status bar select either the little cloud or the up-arrow symbol for uploading the changed files to GitHub.

Fig. 16: Workflow: Adding 'readme.md' and modifying 'one.md'.

That's it. Please verify the arrival of the readme file at Github and successful update of your website.

Steps 2-3-5 above i.e.

is all you need to do from now on.

Just to mention – this documentation was authored by μJam during a process called dogfooding :).

Happy publishing ...

Templates #

Frontmatter Entries #

Entry Type Comment
author string Author name(s) used by search engines.
date string Creation date yyyy-mm-dd as in 2020-12-31.
description string Page description used by search engines.
lang string Used by browser for hyphenation. Default value is "en".
layout enum μJam knows the following layout types:
Other custom layout types are supported
and treated like page layouts internally.
math boolean Support of LaTeX math formulas using $ delimiters.
permalink string | true Place character symbol as a link anchor behind headings.
Default character symbol is "#".
tags array of strings Used as keywords for search engines.
Example ["web,"page","physics","svg"]
title string Page title shown in browser's title bar.
uses array of objects Inject external resources into page.
Example "uses":[ { "uri": "navigation.md" } ]

Keyboard Commands #

Command Mnemonic Menu Action
Ctrl + K  H Html Generate single Html file
Ctrl + K  A All Generate all Html files
Ctrl + K  - --- Insert frontmatter template
Ctrl + K  T ToC Insert Table of Contents
Ctrl + K  N Nav Copy navigation markdown to clipboard
Ctrl + K  V preView Open preview window
Ctrl + Enter Commit Changes
Ctrl + Shift + S Save As File > Save As Save file as ...
Ctrl + S Save File > Save Save file
Ctrl + C Copy Edit > Copy Copy text to clipboard
Ctrl + V Paste Edit > Paste Retrive text from clipboard

Apple users will press the Cmd key instead of the Ctrl key.

References #

[1] jamstack.wtf
[2] Not Your Dad's IT
[3] Where can I find the GitHub ID in my account?
[4]: Version Control Basics with Github and VS Code
[5] Version Controlling with Git in Visual Studio Code and GitHub
[6] Versionskontrolle mit Git auf einem Hoster wie GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket unter Visual Studio Code einrichten
[7] Git Integration in Visual Studio Code
[8] CommonMark - Specification of Markdown
[9] Configuring a custom domain for your GitHub Pages site