
Element commands are higher level commands. The following elements are supported by g2.

Element Canvas SVG Result
lin({x1,y1,x2,y2}) - line Line element by start and end point.
rec({x,y,b,h}) rect rect Rectangle element by anchor point, width and height.
cir({x,y,r}) - circle Circle element by center point and radius.
arc({x,y,r,w,dw}) - - Arc element by center point, radius, start angle [radians] and angular range [radians].
ply({pts,closed,x,y,w}) - polygon Polyline element by points array, closed mode [boolean] and iterator function.
txt({str,x,y,w}) fillText text Text element by string, anchor point, angle and style object.
drawImage image Image element by URI, anchor point, width, height, offset and range.

ply Element #

See the API Reference

The ply command expects an object with a pts property. This property can have different formats, for each of which there must be provided an individual array iterator. g2 implements three standard iterators:

Property Format comment
{pts:[x1,y1,x2,y2,...,xn,yn]} Flat array of x and y values [default].
{pts:[[x1,y1],[x2,y2],...,[xn,yn]]} Array of arrays of x and y values.
{pts:[{x:x1,y:y1},{x:x2,y:y2},...,{x:xn,y:yn}]} Array of objects with x and y members.

Another property of ply is closed which can have boolean values true and false.

const style={ls:"red",lw:3,fs:"ddd"}; g2().ply({pts:[10,10,40,70,60,30,90,80],...style}) .ply({pts:[[110,10],[140,70],[160,30],[190,80]],closed:true,...style}) .exe(ctx);

ply Element

ply is also a convenient method for traces or paths to be drawn. Just fill an array in the appropriate format and render it.

const arr = []; // array to be filled let i = 0; // iterator let forward = true; (function render() { i+=0.5; // Fill array with values when going forward forward ? arr.push({x: Math.cos(Math.PI * i / 60 ) * 40, y: Math.sin(Math.PI * i / 20) * 40}) // And remove values otherwise : arr.shift(); // Toggle direction when path closes if (arr.length === 240 || arr.length === 0) { forward = !forward; } g2().del() .clr() .view({x: 75,y: 50}) .ply({pts:arr,ls:'blue',lw:3}) // render this array. .exe(ctx); requestAnimationFrame(render); })();

ply Animation

Text #

See the API Reference

Text is supported by the txt command. One property of txt, str specifies the text string. The next two x and y determine the anchor position of the text element. w describes the rotation angle and the last style argument is an object containing individual text and font style information. That style properties have priority over previously defined properties, but do not overwrite them.

const style={ls:"red",lw:3,fs:"ddd"}; g2().txt({str:"Hello world",x:30,y:50,w:-0.15,font:"32px cursive",fs:'rebeccapurple'}) .txt({str:"default style",x:210,y:40}) .exe(ctx);

txt Element

Images #

See the API Reference

Images can be inserted by the img command. One property, uri, is the URI of the image, which can also be a data:url. img has a lot of properties for the desired representation of the image. x,y define the position of the upper left corner, b,h the breath and height, xoff, yoff create an offset, sb,sh a region for the image and sx, sy may crop the image. It can be scaled with scl.

Images are rendered asynchronously. The command queue stops when the image is to be drawn and continues after that. If more than one command queue is issued on one context, it may happen that the order of drawings is inconsistent.

<canvas id="c" height="250px" width="500px"></canvas> <script src="../../g2/src/g2.core.js"></script> <script> const ctx = document.getElementById("c").getContext("2d"); const photo = "../img/photo.jpg"; g2().img({uri:photo,b:500,h:250}) .rec({x:200,y:20,b:50,h:30}) .exe(ctx); </script>


If an image can not be loaded, it will be replaced by a broken-image symbol:
