Extension: g2.chart

g2.chart #

g2.chart is an important brick for g2.js being an engineers and scientists graphics tool. g2.chart as a g2 addon generates x/y-line charts only, but it does that very well.

Example: first chart #

g2 %amp; charts

<canvas id="c" width="250" height="175"></canvas> <script src="https://gitcdn.xyz/repo/goessner/g2/master/src/g2.js"></script> <script> g2().view({cartesian:true}) .chart({x:35,y:35,b:200,h:120, funcs:[{data:[-2,6,0,-2,2,1,4,1,6,5],fill:true,dots:true}], xaxis:{}, yaxis:{}, }) .exe(document.getElementById("c").getContext("2d")); </script>

Chart usage #

g2.chart introduces a new chart command, which expects a single javascript object specifying the chart properties. In order to use it properly you need to set g2's cartesian flag. You want to set the chart dimensions by specifying the lower left corner x and y as well as width b and height h of the rectangular chart area. Please note, that chart title, axis ticks, labels and titles are not included in that dimensions.


Chart functions, range and style #

Line charts display functional relations. These relations can be numerically represented via datasets or algebraically via functions. g2.chart offers both representations. A single chart can contain multiple functions and even mix numerical and algebraic forms.

The chart x-value range is extracted from available datasets or must be explicitly specified. Its y-value range can be derived from both datasets and algebraic functions or - again - be explicitly set.

Example: multiple functions #


g2().view({cartesian:true}) .chart({x:25,y:25,b:200,h:100, title:{text:"sine + tan"}, xmin:-Math.PI/2,xmax:2*Math.PI, ymin:-3,ymax:3, funcs:[ {fn:Math.sin,dx:Math.PI/30,fill:true}, {fn:Math.tan,dx:Math.PI/90,fill:true} ]}) .exe(ctx);

In this example the x-value range is explicitely set by xmin and xmax. It is valid then for all functions. The y-value range is also explicitely set by ymin and ymax. That is done here only, because the tan-function has singularities at odd multiples of pi/2. So its chart is simply clipped to the desired range of [-3,3].

Please note that we didn't specify a color for displaying the functions in the last example. g2.chart provides a small set of default colors for sequentially assigning them to functions without explicite color definitions. If the fill property is set to true, the function chart is filled with respect to the zero x-axis using its semi-transparent function color.

Example: Axis properties #


g2().view({cartesian:true}) .chart({ x:35,y:35,b:200,h:100, title:{ text:"sin(φ)"}, xmin:-Math.PI/2,xmax:2*Math.PI, funcs:[ {fn:Math.sin,dx:Math.PI/30,fill:true} ], xaxis: { title:"φ", grid:true }, yaxis: { title:"sin(φ)", origin:true } }) .exe(ctx);

Chart API #

After a chart object is created, we might want to interact with it then. So we would like to request canvas coordinates for certain chart area coordinates. There is a small API for supporting tasks like this.

Method Arguments Returns Description
valOf(pix) pix canvas point object Point value in chart coordinates from point in canvas coordinates.
pixOf(usr) usr chart point object Point value in canvas coordinates from point in chart coordinates.
trimPixOf(usr) usr chart point object Point value in canvas coordinates from point in chart coordinates trimmed to chart area region limits.
yOf(x) x chart x-value float y-value in chart coordinates.
drawMarkersAt(g,x) g g2 instance x chart x-value object Draw marker points in canvas coordinates to g2 instance g according to x-value for all functions in chart.

It is possible to place markers on chart functions after they are generated. For this we use a g2 feature to transfer its prototype on objects which are given as parameters to g2 commands.

Example: chart marker #

chart marker

const ctx = document.getElementById("c").getContext("2d"); const chrt = { x:20,y:20,b:200,h:100, funcs:[{data:[-1,-2,3,2,6,0],fill:true}], title:{text:"marker on chart"}, xaxis:{}, yaxis:{origin:true} }; g = g2().view({cartesian:true}); g.chart(chrt) .exe(ctx); g.nod({...chrt.pntOf({x:4,y:1.33})}).exe(ctx);

Those markers can be set interactively then.

Example: interactive chart #

dynamic charts

const ctx = document.getElementById("c").getContext("2d"), range = document.getElementById("range"), output = document.getElementById("output"), chrt = { x:100,y:50,b:200,h:150, xmin:-Math.PI/2,xmax:2*Math.PI, ymin:-0.75,ymax:0.75, funcs:[ {fn:Math.sin,dx:Math.PI/30,fill:true}, {fn:Math.cos,dx:Math.PI/30,fill:true}, ], title:"sine + cosine (clipped)", xaxis:{title:"phi"}, yaxis:{title:"sin(phi)",origin:true} }; let phi = -Math.PI/2, mrk1,mrk2; function render() { g2().clr() .view({cartesian:true}) .chart(chrt) .nod({...mrk1}) .nod({...mrk2}) .exe(ctx); }; function setPhi(e) { output.value = range.value + "°"; phi = range.value/180*Math.PI; mrk1 = chrt.pntOf({x:phi,y:Math.sin(phi)}); mrk2 = chrt.pntOf({x:phi,y:Math.cos(phi)}); render(); }; range.addEventListener("input",setPhi,false); render();

Markers can also get animated along simulation parameters.

Example: animated chart #

dynamic charts

<canvas id="c" width="501" height="301"></canvas><br> <script src="https://gitcdn.xyz/repo/goessner/g2/master/src/g2.js"></script> <script src="https://gitcdn.xyz/repo/goessner/morphr/master/morphr.min.js"></script> <script> let phi = 0; const ctx = document.getElementById("c").getContext("2d"), posChart = { x:200,y:-100,b:100,h:50, xmin:0,xmax:1, funcs:[{fn:Morphr.quadratic, dx:0.02, fill:true}], yaxis:{title:"pos"}, xaxis:{} }, velChart = { x:200,y:-40,b:100,h:60, xmin:0,xmax:1, funcs:[{fn:(q) => { return q < 0.5 ? 4*q : 4 - 4*q }, dx:0.02, color:1, fill:true}], xaxis:false, yaxis:{title:"vel"} }, accChart = { x:200,y:30,b:100,h:70, title:{text:"quadratic"}, xmin:0,xmax:1, funcs:[{fn:(q) => { return q < 0.5 ? 4 : -4 }, dx:0.005, color:2, fill:true}], xaxis:false, yaxis:{title:"acc"} }, g = g2().clr().view({x:150,y:150,cartesian:true}) .chart(posChart) .chart(velChart) .chart(accChart) .beg({w:() => phi,fs:"papayawhip",ls:"darkslategray",lw:2}) .lin({x1:0,y1:0,x2:100,y2:0}) .cir({x:100,y:0,r:5}) .cir({x:0,y:0,r:5}) .end(), morphr = Morphr.create(4,0,"quadratic") // create and configure Morphr object ... .register((q) => { phi = q*2*Math.PI; }) // rotate by 360° in 4 s. .register(render) // render to canvas .start(); // init ... function render() { const q = phi/2/Math.PI; g.exe(ctx); g2().view({x:150,y:150,cartesian:true}) .nod({...accChart.pntOf({x:q, y:accChart.funcs[0].fn(q)})}) .nod({...velChart.pntOf({x:q, y:velChart.funcs[0].fn(q)})}) .nod({...posChart.pntOf({x:q, y:posChart.funcs[0].fn(q)})}) .exe(ctx); } </script>

Chart Properties #

We can set some properties with x- and y-axis, as axis titles, grids and an explicite origin line. It is also possible to suppress automatically defined axis ticks and labels. Custom labels are not implemented at current.

You can overwrite the the default values, if you are not comfortable with them.

Name Type Default Description
x float - x position of chart area's lower left corner.
y float - y position of chart area's lower left corner.
b float - breadth / width of chart area.
h float - height of chart area.
title string or object null chart title string or object specifying title properties.
title.text string null chart title string.
title.offset float 3 vertical offset to chart area.
title.style object {foc:"black", foz:16, thal:"center", tval:"bottom"} title style.
funcs array [] array of dataset data and / or function fn objects.
funcs[item] object dataset and / or function object.
funcs[item].data array array of data points as flat array [x,y,..], array of point arrays [[x,y],..] or array of point objects [{x,y},..].
funcs[item].fn function Function y = f(x) accepting x-value returning y-value.
funcs[item].dx float x increment to apply to function fn. Ignored with data points.
funcs[item].fill boolean false Fill region between function polygon and x-origin line.
funcs[item].dots boolean false Place circular dots at data points. Better avoid with fns.
xaxis object x-axis properties.
xaxis.style object {ls:"#888", thal:"center", tval:"top", foc:"black"} x-axis style.
xaxis.title string or object x-axis title string or object specifying title properties.
xaxis.title.text string null x-axis title string.
xaxis.title.offset float 1 vertical x-axis title string offset.
xaxis.title.style object {foz:12} x-axis title style. Not specified properties are inherited from xaxis.style.
xaxis.line boolean true display x-axis base line.
xaxis.origin boolean false display x-axis origin line.
xaxis.ticks object display x-axis ticks. Set to false to suppress.
xaxis.ticks.len float 6 x-axis major ticks length.
xaxis.grid boolean or object false display x-axis grid using style object.
xaxis.labels boolean or object display x-axis labels.
xaxis.labels.loc 'auto' 'auto' calculate x-axis labels automatically.
xaxis.labels.offset float 1 vertical x-axis labels string offset.
xaxis.labels.style object {foz:11} x-axis labels style. Not specified properties are inherited from xaxis.style.
yaxis object y-axis properties.
yaxis.style object {ls:"#888", thal:"center", tval:"bottom", foc:"black"} y-axis style.
yaxis.title string or object y-axis title string or object specifying title properties.
yaxis.title.text string null y-axis title string.
yaxis.title.offset float 2 horizontal y-axis title string offset.
yaxis.title.style object {foz:12} y-axis title style. Not specified properties are inherited from yaxis.style.
yaxis.line boolean true display y-axis base line.
yaxis.origin boolean false display y-axis origin line.
yaxis.ticks object display y-axis ticks. Set to false to suppress.
yaxis.ticks.len float 6 y-axis major ticks length.
yaxis.grid boolean or object false display y-axis grid using style object.
yaxis.labels boolean or object display y-axis labels.
yaxis.labels.loc 'auto' 'auto' calculate y-axis labels automatically.
yaxis.labels.offset float 1 horizontal y-axis labels string offset.
yaxis.labels.style object {foz:11} y-axis labels style. Not specified properties are inherited from yaxis.style.